In fulfilling our mission to promote the wellness arts to do the most good for the most people, we are registered as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, headquartered in NJ (EIN# 845135732). Although the time-honored methods of Tai Chi are universal in benefiting all people who practice, we recognize there are some groups that need it right away. Our programs are designed with the intent to empower those who otherwise would not be in good health, or good circumstance, and may be vulnerable to violence.
Your contributions enable us to reach more and teach more people through in-person sessions, group sponsorships, local activities, and collaborations with other reputable organizations working to make positive impacts across communities.
We ask that you join us in making a long-lasting positive difference by donating directly or purchasing a product or course.
If your are undecided on which of our current programs you'd like to support, we recommend that you contribute an amount that we can allocate towards new programs and ones that need it the most. We rely on member support throughout the year to continue our work.
Corporate Match: We are registered with and other corporate philanthropy organizations. If your employer offers this great benefit, you can double your contribution with the corporate match (up to a company set amount per year) and amplify your impact!
We Appreciate & Thank You!